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Addiction Treatment Blog

What Are the Signs of an Overdose
An overdose is the body’s response to the ingestion of a substance in too high of an amount. The signs of an overdose can vary depending on the person and the specific substance being used. A person can overdose on a variety of different substances, including alcohol, drugs, and prescription medications. Overdoses are usually incredibly […]
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How Alcohol Affects Depression
Substance use disorders and mental health conditions are often closely related. There are many questions about how alcohol affects depression. Depression specifically can be a common co-occurring with substance abuse problems, such as alcoholism. These disorders can often aggravate each other to make side effects more harmful, or one can directly lead to the other. […]
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How Alcohol Affects Anxiety
Alcohol often plays a direct role in the development or effects of mental health disorders, such as anxiety. There are many questions about how alcohol affects anxiety. If a person is suffering from co-occurring disorders of alcoholism and anxiety, it is best to seek simultaneous treatment for both disorders. Reach out to us today to […]
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The Difference Between Dependence and Addiction
Addictions are diseases that can be defined by a few different characteristics. Many do not recognize the difference between dependence and addiction. This doesn’t stop people from throwing around the term addiction, however. Some people like to tout that they are chocoholics or have an addiction to chocolate. What they usually mean, though, is that […]
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5 Career Tips for People in Recovery - Know Your Worth
So, you’ve gotten sober, you’ve participated in your own healing, and now it’s time to transition back into the stream of life? Stepping back into the workforce can be anxiety provoking and scary, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back! There are many individuals who have walked this path before you and here are 5 […]
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iop vs php
Addiction treatment can be a very overwhelming process. One of the hardest aspects of the journey is choosing the right kind of treatment. There are many different treatment types and it can be difficult to choose the ‘right’ one. This is especially the case because everyone has preferences and individuals suffer from different types of […]
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Let’s face it: drinking alcohol is a national pastime. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 50% of people in the United States reporting drinking alcohol in the last month, and more than 86% had consumed alcohol at some point in their lives. Alcohol consumption plays an important role in […]
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In 2014 the National Institute of Mental Health found that 20.2 million adults in the United States met the criteria for a substance use disorder. When most people think of a substance use disorder, they likely imagine a specific form of drug use. The stereotypical idea of an addicted person, which is largely invented by […]
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Alcohol and drug abuse is a serious problem in the United States. Not only do these substances harm people’s relationships, careers, academic standings, and overall health, but they often result in life-threatening circumstances. In fact, driving under the influence of alcohol and opioid overdoses are the most common causes of premature death in the United […]
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The Difference Between Dependence and Addiction
Alcohol consumption plays an important role in our culture. Drinking alcohol is an essential aspect of religious rituals, business meetings, dating, and casual social interaction. While alcohol consumption in moderation can be a healthy and enjoyable activity that fosters social connection, the ubiquity of alcohol consumption in the United States and the pressures surrounding it […]
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