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Addiction Treatment Blog

How Alcohol Affects Depression
Substance use disorders and mental health conditions are often closely related. There are many questions about how alcohol affects depression. Depression specifically can be a common co-occurring with substance abuse problems, such as alcoholism. These disorders can often aggravate each other to make side effects more harmful, or one can directly lead to the other. […]
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How Alcohol Affects Anxiety
Alcohol often plays a direct role in the development or effects of mental health disorders, such as anxiety. There are many questions about how alcohol affects anxiety. If a person is suffering from co-occurring disorders of alcoholism and anxiety, it is best to seek simultaneous treatment for both disorders. Reach out to us today to […]
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7 Types of Impulse Control Disorders
Impulse control disorders are a type of mental health disorder that can be incredibly disruptive to an individual’s life. While there are five standalone types of impulse control disorders officially recognized by the DSM-5, many more disorders show similar effects or are in part related to impulse control problems. What is an Impulse Control Disorder? […]
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Being A Shopping Addict In A World Of Online Shopping
When addiction is discussed, people typically bring up topics such as various drugs and alcohol. Other behavioral addictions are often overlooked, such as being a shopping addict. However, shopping addiction is known to affect at least 5% of people all over the world. This problem has become exacerbated by today’s world of online shopping and […]
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iop vs php
Addiction treatment can be a very overwhelming process. One of the hardest aspects of the journey is choosing the right kind of treatment. There are many different treatment types and it can be difficult to choose the ‘right’ one. This is especially the case because everyone has preferences and individuals suffer from different types of […]
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Family Therapy
On October 10th, we observe World Mental Health Day. It’s a time to raise awareness about mental health issues and push towards a better foundation. Mental health disorders and illnesses continue to plague millions of people around the globe. Today’s the day where we work together to make a difference for the future. Another issue […]
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With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to rage on, everyone has been forced to quarantine themselves and follow social distancing rules. While these rules are necessary to maintain public health, many vulnerable populations are experiencing the consequences of reduced access to necessary resources. Individuals who are recovering from drug and alcohol use disorders have found treatment […]
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With COVID-19 currently spreading throughout the world with no sign of letting up, public health experts continue to warn the population about the risk of infection. They stress the importance of social distancing, avoiding needless outings, and only going to work if the job is deemed “essential.” While these recommendations and policies will surely reduce […]
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The coronavirus, or Covid-19, which has officially been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, has now spread through all 50 of the United States. The virus has a higher fatality rate than most variations of the flu, with the elderly and immuno-compromised being most at risk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]
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People with substance use disorder have a variety of treatment options available. Whether they choose an inpatient residential treatment program, a partial hospitalization program, or outpatient services, they will likely encounter a combination of multiple treatment modalities that work in tandem to help the patient recover from addiction. Along with 12-step programs, support groups, and […]
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