Refuge Recovery
How Can Refuge Recovery Help
When seeking treatment, recovery, and long-term sobriety, it is important to build a new support system that helps keep you grounded and engaged in the recovery process. Getting help and support for alcohol addiction, substance abuse issues, and other mental health problems can be a daunting and scary process, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you or a loved one decide to participate in a treatment program, they may recommend that participants also attend outside meetings and support groups as a part of the continuation of care.
The most common outside support groups are based on the 12 step model originally founded in Alcoholics Anonymous. While many people enjoy and benefit from the structure of 12 step programming, many do not and need other options. No matter what your belief system is, everybody deserves the same chance at recovery and healing. Refuge Recovery is a support group for recovering individuals that is not connected to the 12 steps or any addiction treatment organization or mental health program.
The History Behind Refuge Recovery
Refuge Recovery can be described as a process, set of tools, and practice designed to put individuals on the path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction. The philosophy of the Refuge Recovery Program was born out of the teachings of Siddharta Guatama. Siddhartha was a man who lived in India 2500 years ago. He was a radical psychologist and spiritual pillar of his time. By evolving in his own spiritual practices and experiences, he realized and found a deeper understanding of why human beings experience so much suffering. Throughout his spiritual journey, he found a way of life that ended all forms of addiction and the grief that it brings.
His practice involved meditation, wise actions, and compassion. Siddartha found a way to free himself from the phenomenon of craving, the feeling that urges people to engage in certain destructive behaviors or indulges in substances. He spent the rest of his life dedicated to teaching others how to live a life of well-being and freedom.
Meditation Practices Used in The Refuge Recovery Program
More About the Refuge Recovery Program
Refuge Recovery uses a systematic approach to treating and recovering from all types of addiction. The exercises and work done in the Refuge Recovery program are based on traditional Buddhist Practices of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.
The Four Truths Of Refuge Recovery
- Addiction Creates Suffering
- The cause of addiction is repetitive craving
- Recovery is possible
- The path to Recovery is available
Refuge Recovery operates off of the belief that Buddhist Principles create a long-lasting foundation for the tarnation of addiction. The program empowers individuals in knowing that within themselves and through their own dedication, they have the power to free themselves from the suffering caused by addiction. The program helps individuals cultivate a spiritual awakening path and a deeper understanding of the self and empathy. Refuge Recovery uses a spiritual approach to teach individuals to be mindful and aware of all of their actions to eliminate causes of harm in any sector of their lives. Refuge Recovery is accepting and welcoming to all people. You do not need to have any prior background knowledge or belief systems. Refuge Recovery does not ask individuals to believe in any higher power.
Refuge Recovery is an abstinence-based philosophy. They believe in an 8 step approach to recovery, which is as follows. These principles are intended to be maintained throughout one’s lifetime.
- Understanding
- Intention
- Communication/Community
- Action
- Livelihood/Service
- Effort
- Mindfulness
- Concentration/Meditation
The Refuge Recovery Program is clear that it does not ask anyone to believe in anything, only to trust the process and give their best effort to the Recovery Process. Group program meetings begin with a 20 minute meditation period and then move into an open discussion forum. There is literature available that describes the program more in detail. The program does not ask anybody to identify as an addict or alcoholic; or anything other than their name. They encourage all individuals to let go of any adverse ideas and beliefs about themselves. Refuge Recovery meetings are available globally online and in person, making them an easily accessible tool for people from all different backgrounds and walks of life.
Does Refuge Recovery Work?
How Can Refuge Recovery Help Me?
Getting Help Now
At Create Recovery, our main priority is to help you get the help you want and need. We encourage our clients to give their all to the recovery process and not to give up before the healing is through. We honor all of our clients in their culture, backgrounds, and spiritual and religious beliefs. We help individuals utilize a variety of tools and modalities to have the most excellent chance at long-term recovery. If you or a loved one needs assistance with mental health treatment, alcohol, or drug addiction, call our admissions line today for more information on treatment and recovery services for you.