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Are Drunk Words Sober Thoughts?

Are Drunk Words Sober Thoughts?

Garrett Stanford
October 16, 2020

Alcohol has many effects on the body and our mind. One of the aspects of alcohol is how it affects people’s thoughts and what they say while under the influence. So the question remains, do drunks speak the truth? Is there any truth to the phrase, “drunk words are sober thoughts”? There are a few factors that contribute to this idea.

Often, when someone is under the influence of alcohol, they may speak more and say things they normally wouldn’t. This can affect relationships and how individuals act around certain people. In some instances, a person may be more honest when they are drunk and under the influence.

Alcoholism and excessive drinking can cause a number of issues while intoxicated. Over time if these drinking habits persisted other health complications will begin to emerge. If you are concerned that a loved one or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse, Create Recovery may be able to help.

How Alcohol Affects the Brain

When a person consumes alcohol, it begins to interfere with their brain’s communication pathways. This directly affects how a person’s brain processes the information around them. It takes around 5 minutes for the alcohol in your system to hit the brain.

One of the first effects of alcohol consumption is euphoria (or a ‘buzz’). This causes the person to be relaxed and experience only minor impairments of reasoning. If the person continues to consume large amounts of alcohol they will begin to become confused and start losing control.

Blurred vision, disorientation, lack of control, and slurred speech are all symptoms of large alcohol consumption. During these moments the person may not be in full control of what they are saying. However, a person will be more honest and may speak some truths through their impairments.

Why Do People Speak More When They’re Drunk?

When someone is drunk they may be more inclined to speak more. Not only that but they’ll express grievances that run deep. They will be more open and aggressive when talking about certain topics. However, it isn’t always the truth that is spoken, people who are drunk tend to lie as well.

When someone is deep within the influence of alcohol they generally have lowered inhibitions. When large amounts of alcohol enter the body, the brain’s neurotransmitters are slowed. This can create a loss of control and deters basic decision-making processes.

One of the main reasons why people may speak more when they are drunk is the lack of consequences. A sober person may not say certain things because of the consequences that may come with it. A person who’s intoxicated sees no right or wrong and will be more unfiltered. This is why certain people may be more honest when they are under the influence.

Accountability When A Person is Drunk

It is not uncommon for people who are drunk to cross the boundaries of social settings and say things they shouldn’t. While it’s not completely far fetched to suggest that drunk words are sober thoughts to an extent, accountability is necessary. Even if they aren’t thinking straight, a person will be held accountable for what they say, drunk or not.

Alcohol is not some kind of truth serum and shouldn’t be an excuse for things a person says. There are consequences that come from drunken behavior and slurred speech. While drunk, you can tarnish relationships with other peoples, sometimes permanently damaging friendships along the way.

This is one of the many negative effects that alcohol can have on a person. It is not uncommon for a person to wake up after a drunk night and not remember anything. Public meltdowns, verbal fights, and arguments could’ve happened the night before. While this is never a good sign, sometimes it is humiliation like this that pushes people towards change.

Alcohol Abuse and Addiction

Drinking is a common occurrence in almost all cultures. It’s completely normal to drink at social events or special occasions. However, excessive drinking and problem drinking could be signs of a bigger problem. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are more than just your average drinking. More than just excessive drinking is the frequency at which a person drinks (almost on a daily basis).

These conditions can completely take over a person’s life as they grow dependent on alcohol to function. There are many consequences that come with constant and excessive drinking. Along with the short-term effects of alcohol consumption comes the long-term, more severe effects. It is important to get help as soon as possible to avoid worse consequences down the line. Create Recovery Center is here to fulfill all your needs as one of the best rehabs in Los Angeles.

Signs of Alcoholism

It is important to be aware of the signs of a possible addiction. Alcoholism (or alcohol use disorder) can be extremely problematic if left untreated. As with addictions, there are a number of telling signs that someone may be struggling with alcoholism. Common signs of possible alcohol abuse include the following:

  • Intense cravings to drink
  • Decreased performance at school or at work
  • Unable to control how much alcohol they’re drinking
  • A desire to stop drinking so much but failing to do so
  • Loss of interest in usual activities, social events, and hobbies
  • Spending excessive amounts of time drinking and recovering from alcohol
  • Building a tolerance to alcohol (needing more alcohol to reach the desired effect)
  • Experiencing the withdrawal symptoms of not drinking alcohol (nausea, shaking, sweating, etc.)

If you notice any of these signs in a loved one, it may be time to get help. Over time, excessive drinking can evolve into something much worse. There are much harsher consequences than aggressively speaking the truth at a party. A person’s life can be turned upside down to the point where they need alcohol in their system to go about their day.

Symptoms of Alcoholism

As mentioned previously, there are a lot of short-term and long-term effects of excessive drinking. If left untreated, symptoms can worsen and consequences can become dire. Permanent health damage and even death are consequences of untreated alcohol addiction.

Some of the common short-term side effects of excessive alcohol consumptions include:

  • Dizziness
  • Blackouts
  • Cravings
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Risky and agitated behavior
  • Slurred speech and coordination

If left untreated, alcoholism can start to cause a number of serious health effects later on. Over time your body will begin to take a toll after excessive drinking. The long-term of alcoholism includes the following:

  • Liver disease
  • Bone damage
  • Eye troubles
  • Digestive problems
  • Serious heart problems
  • Weakened immune systems
  • Depression and other mental issues
  • Risky behavior (personal harm or death)

There are many consequences when a person doesn’t get treatment for an addiction like alcoholism. Risky behavior like drunk driving is one of the leading causes of automobile accidents in the United States. If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, now is the time to get help.

Talking to A Loved One About Addiction

One of the hardest things about alcoholism and addiction is getting a loved one to accept they need change. Many times the person may not even think they have a problem to begin with. It’s important to be patient and never give up on them. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind when you are talking to a loved one about their alcoholism.

  • Have a prepared plan
  • Expect some level of push back
  • Choose the right time to talk to them
  • Seek support and help them through the process
  • Be informed about treatment options and signs of a problem

It may be tough but it’s a necessary step towards recovery. Those who frequently abuse alcohol will be agitated or drunk throughout the day. This is why it’s important to choose a convenient time where both of you can think about the situation clearly. Let Create Recovery be your guide to a better life.

Treatment Options for Alcoholism

There are several different treatment options for alcoholism. It’s important to get professional help before it’s too late. Some treatment options may work better than others but the fact remains that any form of help is necessary. Most alcoholism treatment includes a mix of therapy, detox, and medication. Let’s take a look at each of these:

  • Therapy – Therapy is one of the most widely used forms of alcoholism treatment. Therapy types like Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be used to change a person’s thinking. Opening up and understanding one’s addiction can be the key to recovery.
  • Medication – There is no prescription medication that will magically cure an addiction. However, certain medications can help with certain withdrawal symptoms (include anxiety or depression).
  • Detoxification – Detoxification is a process that gets rid of all the alcohol and drugs in a person’s system. This not only helps with withdrawal symptoms but opens the door for other treatment options (like therapy and support groups).

Get Help Today

Whether you believe that drunk words are sober thoughts or not, alcoholism can pose many serious health effects. It’s important to get help from qualified professionals. Let Create Recovery help you towards a better life today. Contact us today to learn more about our facility and treatment options.

Garrett Stanford
Garrett Stanford brings years of experience working with individuals and families struggling with substance abuse and behavioral health issues. He began working in the nonprofit treatment sector for 2 years before transitioning into the private sector. Garrett has been involved in treatment since 2010, with 10+ years of experience ranging from operations, administration, admissions and addiction research.
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