Outpatient drug rehab is a widely used treatment option for addiction and substance use. For some, it can be a great mix of treatment and freedom. There are many benefits to outpatient treatment. It also allows wiggle room for family support throughout the recovery process.
While outpatient rehab can be an effective and manageable option, it might not be the best option for everyone. There are certain things to consider if you are interested in applying for outpatient drug rehab. Certain cases may be too severe and intense for outpatient treatment to be effective. Let’s take a look at all the ins and outs of outpatient treatment.
One of the most important things about addiction is to get proper treatment in a timely manner. Waiting will only make things worse in the long run. You don’t have to go through it alone either, rehab centers like Create Recovery are here to make the process smooth and accessible. Let’s get you towards a better place with long-term recovery in mind.
Outpatient rehabilitation is a treatment option for those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Outpatient rehab allows a person to live out their daily lives as usual while attending sessions throughout the week. Which is different from inpatient rehab where a person stays in a facility for a long period of time.
Every week a person will attend multiple sessions throughout the week, each lasting an hour or so. The rate of sessions does depend on the severity and if its intensive outpatient treatment. This allows the person to continue their responsibilities back at home while still getting help with their addiction.
Each session uses different therapy types to help a person understand and overcome their drug addiction. Group therapy and other counseling methods are also utilized throughout the process. Group sessions can be very beneficial as you get to hear other people’s stories while bonding with people who feel your struggles. Outpatient rehab can be especially useful in cases of work, school, and children at home.
One of the best aspects of outpatient rehab is the flexible schedule. In a world of responsibilities such as work, school, pets, kids, social life, and relationships, inpatient treatment can sometimes be jarring. Outpatient treatment allows the freedom to live your life while getting treatment help and sticking closely to a planned schedule. Let’s take a closer look at some benefits of aspects of outpatient treatment.
There are bills to pay and financial situations throughout our lives that must be addressed. Not only that, but our livelihoods are usually centered around our jobs. When push comes to shove, addiction treatment can sometimes be a necessity (one that is worth any cost).
Oftentimes, inpatient treatment requires a person to put their work on hold (even though it is worth it for addiction treatment). Luckily, people are protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) which allows a person to get the help they need without being fired. However, some people may not want to stop working (for a number of reasons).
Outpatient treatment lets the person maintain their employment throughout the process. Additionally, you’re able to continue attending school or university, which is also an important part of many people’s lives. Outpatient treatment allows for treatment without giving up your lifestyle and responsibilities.
Detoxification is an essential part of every single drug addiction treatment. It is usually the very first step of treatment. This holds true for both outpatient and inpatient treatment. Detoxification is a trusted process that rids the body of all substances and alcohol. This is usually accompanied by professional help because of the withdrawal symptoms from suddenly stopping drug use.
The process usually implements medication to help ease some of the unpleasant symptoms. During outpatient treatment, it is recommended to stay with close family and avoid isolation. Detoxification can be an intense process but it is an important part of getting treatment. In many instances, a person will most likely attend the same rehab center they detoxed at. In this case, Create Recovery’s comprehensive treatment program just for you.
The cost of outpatient treatment varies between location to location. There are several different factors that can affect the price of outpatient treatment. These include:
Each of these plays a role in setting the price. Another excellent aspect of outpatient drug rehab is its cost compared to inpatient treatment. Since recovering individuals will be living at home (most likely) they don’t have to pay to live at the rehab center itself. Inpatient rehab can cost upwards of $20,000 for a 30-day program. While there is no price tag to recovering from addiction, outpatient treatment is much cheaper.
For a 3-month period, outpatient rehab would be around $5,000. Insurance can also help pay for the treatment and outpatient program. Financially, outpatient treatment is a more feasible option you can afford to stick with outpatient treatment. At the end of the day, there is no cost too big that can help you towards a better life and a brighter future for you and your family.
As mentioned before, outpatient treatment may not be for everyone. There are a number of different things to keep in mind if you or a loved one is interested in outpatient treatment. A person’s past drug use, drug addiction severity, and personality can all play a part in this decision. Think carefully about the following aspect of your life and see if outpatient treatment is right for you.
In more severe cases of addiction, a person may most likely be physically dependent on drugs. This means that after detox (which will require inpatient treatment at first) their symptoms may be unpredictable and dangerous. In cases like this, it is best to look for residential treatment to ensure safety and have access to medical professionals at all times. If not, outpatient treatment can be a great option.
Those entering outpatient treatment for addiction must be absolutely determined to stop their addiction at all costs. Loosely based and free schedules during outpatient treatment can be useful if the person isn’t motivated and determined to change. If you are willing to give it your all, then outpatient treatment may be a good option.
If you’ve had past experiences with addiction and have not been able to beat in the past, outpatient treatment may not be best. If you’ve tried to stop drug use alone or in another rehab center, this may be a red flag. Unsuccessful attempts show signs that you may need to look into residential treatment for more advanced treatment.
One of the more overlooked aspects of addiction is home life. If you are in an unhealthy and stressful environment, outpatient treatment may not work as intended. Outpatient drug rehab is intended for those who have a strong, safe environment at home. Living in an environment that’s not supportive will do much more harm than good in the long-run.
In cases of co-occurring disorders (when someone is struggling with both a mental health disorder and addiction) outpatient may not be best. In severe cases where you are suffering from multiple disorders, inpatient treatment may be better for you. It can be complicated to tackle both aspects of these conditions from simple weekly visits. Co-occurring disorders can also be dangerous if left untreated. (Injury, suicide, and death are prevalent).
Going back to question one, you must be ready to commit to outpatient treatment. Since there are multiple therapy sessions a week it’s important to be able to attend these. If there are aspects of your life that are stopping you from attending these sessions, outpatient rehab may not be best. Schedule and location must both be feasible for you to consider outpatient treatment.
Addiction can be extremely hard to combat especially if you have a busy schedule. This is where outpatient drug rehab comes in. With a personalized schedule and access to quality treatment, you’ll be able to maintain sobriety in no time. Create Recovery is here to help you! Contact us today to learn more about your treatment options and addiction guidance.